Tuesday, 16 February 2010


example gives perspective_

- Reuben Leigh Skewes


The refusal to changes doesn't hold onto your past, it loses your future_

- Reuben Leigh Skewes


consistency is respected_

- Reuben Leigh Skewes


honesty is refreshing

- Reuben Leigh Skewes

higher road

The higher road is not the lesser road, it is just less travelled_

- Reuben Leigh Skewes


I would rather try, and mess up, then mess around and not try.

- Reuben Leigh Skewes


Christianity without discipleship is Christianity without Christ

- Reuben Leigh Skewes

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

refusal to change

The refusal to changes doesn't hold onto your past, it loses your future_

- Reuben Leigh Skewes


Example gives perspective_

- Reuben Leigh Skewes

2 worlds

Between two worlds man stands, to his left the freedom to do as he wants, to his right the freedom to do as he ought.

- Reuben Leigh Skewes

convenience vs conviction

Convenience is impersonal, challenge-less and easy. Conviction is personal, challenging and hard_

- Reuben Leigh Skewes

Gods Word

The word of man changes minds. The word of God changes hearts_

- Reuben Leigh Skewes
Assumption is the game of fools. It is time we started teaching a new game_

- Reuben Leigh Skewes


Insecure people are insecure about people

- Reuben Leigh Skewes

young at heart

Whatever you do, be young at heart_

- Reuben Leigh Skewes


The best days start early_

- Reuben Leigh Skewes