Monday, 1 December 2008


"most people are other people. their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."

- oscar wilde

Such an honest & revealing quote.

I love that each new day for me is like a new found discovery, an opportunity to look through my own eyes and stand on my own feet. I am invariably inspired by those on the road of nobility, each pushing, each striving and each believing for a new day, a new start and an opportunity to change a past or current frustration. Each with the same cause. Others. I love that I no longer live in the shadows of another mans greatness, but rather I am casting my own shadow. Evidently guided by the wisdom of those before me, I also push, strive and believe that one day, soon, my heart cries, my passions and desires will bring forth a new day, a new start and a new era.

I pray they are eternal concepts.. based on our purpose for living, birthed from the fusing of Gods heart to man.

I eagerly wait in anticipation that this next day might be the day.

1 comment:

  1. I liked what you wrote Reuben. first visit to your blog, but it reminds me of the studies for Youth that I used to admire. I often visit James Macpherson and Dustans Blogs; I shall start checking yours also. Ive been thinking of becoming a blogger for a while, havnt quite the public sort of courage required just yet!
